Living Wills

An accident or sudden illness can leave you incapacitated. What happens when there's a question about the medical treatment needed to keep you alive? People have strong feelings about these things, like life support, pain management, and organ donation. You may want one thing while family members want another thing. Without a...
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Death Notification Checklist

When a family member or friend dies, it is important to notify various government agencies, banks, creditors and credit reporting agencies of the death. Notifications should be made as soon after the death as possible. You should initially make telephone calls followed by written notification. Have the decedent's social...
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Changing a Will

A last will and testament in Chicago and the entire state of Illinois is a legal document instructing what should happen to your assets and property (known as your estate) at the time of your death. But it does not stop there. You can assign a guardian for children and appoint an...
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Overview of Wills

A last will and testament is a document you create to instruct how you want your property distributed upon your death. Who gets the house? Who gets which antiques? Who gets a bank account? Who takes care of the pets? These are just some of the questions upon which a will answers...
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